Acrylics and Watercolors
Wildlife Art, Sporting Dog and Pet Portraits, Expert Art Restoration
In the mountains of Honduras - 1997
About D. Michael Meinders
I have always drawn and painted as long as I can remember. Wildlife and nature have always been among my favorite subjects. I became more serious about art while spending over 12 years working on sustainable agricultural projects with subsistance farmers in the mountains of Central America.
At present I live in the mountains of Western North Carolina. Deer, bear, bobcat and wild turkey are frequent visitors to my home. Through my paintings I hope to install a desire to conserve and protect these creatures and their habitats.
I keep my colors vibrant and energetic, working with the textures of the backgrounds and the animal's fur and feathers - giving each a personality and life through my brush and palette knife.
At home in the studio - 2014